Centar za decu i omladinu

Vrnjačka Banja

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From Unemploymet To Employment - Youth in Action - Exchange

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From Unemploymet To EmploymentFrom Unemploymet To EmploymentProject holder: Center for children and youth Vrnjacka Banja

Project title: „From unemployment to employment”

The project is aimed at empowerment of young people especially young people from rural areas and with fewer opportunities towards employability and entrepreneurship by providing the participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to assure a high quality self-management, to enhance their competitiveness and thereby encourage social inclusion.

The main objectives of the exchange activity are:

1. Make participants recognize and develop employability skills they have,

2. To provide young people with skills which they can use to develop professional skills and be more compatible in the labor market,

3. Encourage young people to learn how best to sell their experience to potential employers,

4. Raise participants’ awareness about employability issues in different regions,

5. To make sure that the actual exchange of ideas, experiences and realities took place among participants of the exchange,

6. Implement a range of non-formal learning approaches that deliver the strategies to enhance students’ employability,

7. Allow young people to present their culture, learn about others, and foster an environment to promoting tolerance and cultural diversity,

8. Exchange the best practices in youth work regarding youth empowerment.

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